I've had a super busy couple of weekends, I've not had much time for blogging or other forms of social networking! On the plus side though, lots of fun has been had :D
Last weekend I went to the Cake and Bake Show in London, which was *amazing*. I met some great people wondering around, as well as bumping into an old friend from high school who I haven't seen for ages, that was lovely. I managed not to bankrupt myself (just) and only bought a few bits which I mostly haven't tried out yet. Will have to take photos when I do try them! I did however try a couple of my new moulds (buttons and a bow) when I made cupcakes on the Sunday as well as a multicoloured icing attempt. The buttons went well, the bow less so (wasn't enough "edge" really) and the multicoloured icing (from a tip from the Dr Oetker stand) was less successful than hoped! I'll try that again though, you never know!!
I do highly recommend going to the Cake and Bake show next year, lots of fun to be had.
This weekend, I have been crafting items to sell - I have made loads more bookmarks which will hopefully be up on-line shortly as well as some more papercraft art. I'm really proud of the art, I hope you guys like it as much as I do! The art may be a little longer making it's way on-line - partially because I'm not sure I don't want to add something (haha, it's easy to never be done!) but mostly because I want to make some more and put them on as a large collection. A first stage photo may appear on facebook though - as a a teaser, I've indulged my current fascination with all things beach hut related. Now I just need to go and purchase more frames! It's nice to have run out!
I hope you guys have been having as much fun and been as productive as me!
~ Miss 50s Craft